Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com
Crédits photo : Gérard Pocquet https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com
The creator......
Visual artist and former costume and prop maker for theater and cinema for many years,
Fabienne Gauthier has also traveled extensively from one end of the globe to the other and thereby enriches her inner universe already populated with imagination.......
She has also carried out numerous artistic projects that have allowed her to evolve in her artistic creation and win several awards.
Affiliated with the Maison des Artistes, Fabienne Gauthier is a laureate of the Fondation de la Vocation (Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet), Eurocréation (Young Creators within the framework of the CEE), 
the Centre National des Lettres, the Léonard de Vinci Scholarship (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 
and the “Made in Paris” Label of the Paris City Hall. Some of her projects have also been supported 
by the Maison Chanel and the Kodak firm.
She also created her brand, Asktothedust, registered at INPl, in 2019 which distributes her multiple creations.
Today she presents to the general public via her website and through exhibitions in art galleries 
a new artistic proposition of her own: a series of fictional vintage cinema posters,
large formats, entirely designed and made by hand, based on mixed techniques,
which call upon her childhood memories, her readings, imagined, dreamed films that have left her
forever a magical universe in the corner of her soul.
They speak of an era, of our memories disappearing.....

Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com

Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com
Crédits photo : Gérard Pocquet https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com
2024: Exposition collective à la Galerie Vivienne à Paris Ilème
2023: Exposition-vente à Drouot par le Cabinet Magnin Wedry de la toile originale « Héroïnes » et d'un exemplaire numéroté grand format du « Secret de Mahajanga «
2023: Expo collective à la Galerie 122 du Marché Dauphine de St Ouen
2022: Expo collective à la galerie Barlier à Paris Villème (novembre)
2021: Expo collective à la galerie « Vue sur cours » à Narbonne (mars-décembre)
2020: Expo collective à la galerie « Espace St Martin » à Paris Illème (mars-avril)
2019: Expo individuelle au « Piccolo » à Florence en Italie (septembre-décembre)
2018: Expo collective à « L'Echo Musée » à Paris XVIIIème (décembre-janvier)
2016: Expo individuelle au Show room de la marque Fairfibers à Paris Xème (Septembre)

Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com
Crédits photo : Gérard Pocquet https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com

Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com
Crédits photo : Gérard Pocquet https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com

Artiste CRÉATIONS Fabienne GAUTHIER https://www.asktothedust.com
Crédits photo : Gérard Pocquet https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com

T: 07 70 00 50 17
@: asktothedust@gmail.com



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