English World - Lorena Kappes Artiste Aquarelle, Atelier, Santiago, Chili

Lorena Kappes Artiste Aquarelle, Atelier, Santiago, Chili

I am a graphic designer, graduated in Art from the Pontifical Catholic University.
With studies in Engraving Escola Massana Barcelona Spain.
I was a student in Lea Kleiner's watercolor workshop.

In design, I learned to use synthesis and abstraction to communicate ideas and observations.
Then, I graduated in Art with a mention in painting, where I learned the technique of watercolor, a technique that totally represents me by its gesture, spontaneity and transparency. I work with the wet-on-wet technique on cotton paper and lately in mixed techniques.

I love photography and trekking, the medium from which all my works start.
I record nature, the seasonality of the flora, the traces of time, the tonality, etc. in the lens.
I teach watercolor classes in my studio, with an abstract approach, and I love the relationship
with students and their various interests.

2022: Art Stgo feria de arte contemporáneo.
agosto centro GAM.
2018: Feria Bazart UC. Octubre. Feria anual de arte contemporáneo
Organizado por la facultad de arte de la PUC
2017: "Cumbres del Agua". Colectiva de acuarela, organizado por el Museo
Casa de la Acuarela.
Junio: Museo Andino Viña Santa Rita.
Septiembre: Centro de extensión Universidad de Talca, sala Santiago.
Noviembre: Universidad de Talca, sala Abate Molina.
2017: "XII salón de la acuarela Ricardo Anwandter". Colectiva acuarela.
Junio: Centro Cultural El Austral, Valdivia Agosto: Estación Mapocho, Santiago
2017: Noviembre "VIII Concurso de acuarela Hardy Wistuba" mención honrosa
Liga chileno-alemana Vitacura.
2014: "Valparaíso en la memoria". Muestra individual.
Agosto: Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana, Sala Terracota, Santiago.
Septiembre: Museo Lord Cochrane, Valparaíso.
2013: "Valparaíso Nuestra mirada". Colectiva del taller de Acuarela de Lea Kleiner (itinerancia por Chile)
Mayo: Parque Cultural de Valparaíso y Sala Crea Arte UPLA, Valparaíso.
Junio: Museo Desierto de Atacama, Fundación Ruinas Huanchaca, Antofagasta.
Julio: Bodegón Cultural de los Vilos y Corporación Cultural de Puerto Montt.
Agosto: Teatro del Lago, salón Lago Puyehue, Frutillar.
Septiembre: Centro Cultural El Austral, Valdivia.
Octubre: Sala Los Domínicos Corporación Cultural de Las Condes, Santiago.
Noviembre: Museo Nacional Ferroviario, Temuco y Sala de Arte Casa
Collahuasi, Iquique.

Artista/Taller de acuarela @tallerloslaurelesvitacura

In my "botanical" work started in 2019/2020, I focused on water and its reflections, on the observation in the botanical garden of Viña del Mar.
Aquatic plants, wetlands, lichens, creating a menu of green tones, experimenting with the rest of the pigment present in the water.
These works have been exhibited privately in my studio (Los Laureles studio) during our annual exhibition and publicly at Okuparte2021 and Art

4 photographs of my works belonging to the botanical series taken in 2019 inspired by the extinct botanical garden of Viña del Mar (which was consumed in February 2024 in a violent fire)
Obra 1 "Jardin Botánico 1" Acuarela sobre papel algodón 92x120 cm

Obra 2 "Jardin Botánico 2" Acuarela sobre papel algodón 92x120 cm

Obra 3 "Reflejo Botánico 1" Acuarela sobre papel algodón 52x72 cm

Obra 4 "Reflejo Botánico 1" Acuarela sobre papel algodón 52x72 cm

Lorena Kappes Artiste Aquarelle, Atelier, Santiago, Chili

Lorena Kappes Artiste Aquarelle, Atelier, Santiago, Chili https://ainsiparlaitlart.blogspot.com

For any further information:
19 rue Monsigny
75002 Paris


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